Monday, October 12, 2009

Is it Common in America to invite guests JUST to throw insults at them ?

like we saw in the Ahmedinajad ''welcome speech'' from the Columbia University President ?
Is it Common in America to invite guests JUST to throw insults at them ?
No, not common. I thought that was disgustingly tacky and undiplomatic myself. Certainly not becoming of a man in his position. No freakin wonder people think what they do about Americans....we have such jack*sses in the limelight.
Reply:Well, when one's guest is a loudmouthed religious nutjob who hates their host, yeah. Just because we let him in the country doesn't mean we have to welcome him here. Personally, I think we should have introduced him to the good ol' 'merican tradition of lynching.
Reply:It must be difficult for him as he is fasting and has to control his emotion while being insulted and ridiculed.
Reply:No, that's not common, but Mr. I'm-Mad-On-A-Jihad was no ordinary guest. If he was expecting a warm welcome here, then he's a damn fool.
Reply:I think there have already been some very good answers on this subject based on other questioners. Mostly, they don't condone the behavior. If someone is a least let him speak before disagreeing. Why anyone would want him as a guest would be my question.
Reply:As an American, why should I show concern for an individual that has gone on record for stating how he wants our country to fall and views us as infidels?
Reply:In all honesty.. Ahmedinajad should of expected this when he wanted to come here for a speech. All politicians, when they go to a foreign land usually open themselves up for rifle practice.
Reply:It's like a trap. Come and see our friendly side and then wait for the ambush. Not all of us are like this though.
Reply:Obviously not. As usual with generalities, when you paint everyone with one single brush you come up with gross inaccuracies, such as the one you display here by asking such a question.
Reply:Only if you are Bill O'Reilly.

But in the Iranian Pres' case, he deserves no consideration as a human being nor as a head of state. He's a self-serving hatemonger.
Reply:I can't really say so.
Reply:I don't think so. People are people, be they American, Arab, Persian, Indian so on and so forth. Generally speaking the US media and their politicians (both controlled by the Jews) have driven that great country from the ideology of its founding fathers. Their vision of all men are born equal and have the right to equality in all spheres of life seem to have become a far cry. The country of melting pot for diverse culture to grow and land of equal opportunity have also become a matter of the past.

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