Monday, October 12, 2009

Birds of a feather flock together, dogs move in packs and don't invite the cats. Isn't racism basic instinct?

I believe in evolution. The human is an animal with the same instincts as animals. although we do make a whole lot of effort supressing these natural urges.
Birds of a feather flock together, dogs move in packs and don't invite the cats. Isn't racism basic instinct?
No it's not...

then we would all be living separately...
Reply:Dogs "not inviting cats" is not racism, it's "species-ism"! All humans belong to one species - one sub-species even - so the analogy is false. The human instinct for racism comes from tribalism, which is deeply ingrained in human nature - you can see it very clearly in the behaviour of football supporters, for instance. People being different colours etc. just makes it easier to identify who is in your "tribe" or not.
Reply:I think there is some truth to what you say but I would hesistate to use the word racism. It is simply more energy efficient for a person to make a sweeping generalization than it is to investigate things that are true. Unfortunately this tendency leads to racism.
Reply:I have friends who are a bi-racial couple. He is Black, she is White. Whenever they throw parties, almost all the Black guests party in one room, and almost all the White guests party in another. Strange? Maybe so. But it kind of makes sense, too, because when you look at other people of your own racial background you feel more comfortable because you sort of know what to expect. And that is less so among people of different racial backgrounds. Once I was in downtown Los Angeles on business and suddenly realized I was the only Anglo there--everyone else, thousands of people, were all Hispanic. It was an education. Not a hint of threat or even unfriendliness, yet I got a feeling of what it is like to be in a minority, for the first time in my life. Racism should be abolished, it holds society back. It is bad enough for the individuals who suffer but lets not forget America loses the talented contribution of millions of people who are held back not on grounds of ability, but on race alone.
Reply:Yes, I agree. Very basic.
Reply:You are trying to rationalize racism based on false assumptions. Humans are not animals we have consciences . We have the ability to act upon feelings that determine right or wrong. It seems like your leaving morality out of the picture. It is morally wrong to think that one race is superior than another. Morals are feelings that animals are not programed with...but if you chose to believe in evolution I can see why you ask this question.
Reply:Well if you asked questions like that it always brings out the reality about prejudice is always going to exist does it matter, we all are separated by language as far as anything else we are the same just different tongue we all need food,water,air to survive who cares no one person thinks alike we are all unique I wouldn't compare us to animals because they were born with instincts to care for their young and hunt and seasons we are very different from them but you can believe what you want. whats with all the racial slurs you all should be banned for this kinda talk it should not be allowed
Reply:I find attributing such things to "human nature" is always a great excuse;

we don't have to be seperate our brain power is a bit too advanced for that; we can build monuments, invent new technology, create nuclear weapons that could destroy the earth 5 times but we can't get over skin color? I'm not buying it

Now racism may seem natural now because it has been imbedded in our brains for centuries and generations now
Reply:I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.
Reply:i'm sure that dogs of different breeds can mingle together happily. so we as humans should be able to mingle together too i dont agree with racism.i do understand terratorrialism and thats what i think racism is really about. any animal likes to retain its own space without invasion from others. as do humans i hope im making sense. apologies if im not .
Reply:I agree, It wouldnt be so bad if it didnt appear to be so out of control. Its more like an invasion than typical migration.
Reply:how is a person any different because of the colour of there skin ? answer: they are not. racism was and still is just away of people taking advantage of others I'm talking about slavery and how men in the west used the difference in appearance of the Africans to dehumanise them to make them no better than dogs in public opinion in order to insure a nice profit for themselves.
Reply:hovis ad on tv says i know what i like and its white white white (hovis is bread and uk tv )

jj man what a t w a t you are lol

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