Monday, October 12, 2009

What are some good ways to invite ppl to a party?

cookies?? cakes ??? NO EVITES OR PAPER!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!! HELP
What are some good ways to invite ppl to a party?
singing telegrams

balloon delivery with a mesage inside

message in a bottle

personal delivery from a costumed person

message in a fortune cookie

message in a chinese food container, delivered

recorded message on a tape or CD that they have to play

letters glued down on a scrabble board

Newpaper delivery with invite printed on cover

message on a pizza
Reply:i like to be invited by mail. Im not a email sorta i do see i have one via email..i tend to delete it or forget it. If you send one mail..its more..errrmm..private, more personable, and make the person geting one feel important
Reply:phone call
Reply:word of mouth is the best way
Reply:Depends on the purpose of the party... During the summer... i had a lau. I gave out the invites on little peices of weathered paper that were rolled up and put in bottles with little corks in them. I put some sand and small shells in them too.I would not use anything that can be eaten because when they eat it... they no longer have the invite to remind them when it is. Unless you include a paper copy with it.... but then why send the treat.

I have also sent out invites in gift card holders. One that I used one year for christmas was a bear that had the card in its mouth.. or a santa that when you opened the card... the hand popped out and gave you the party info.

Birthdays... depends on the age. For and older person... you can buy some sanitary diapers and write the info on it and hand them out. For a kid... you could get a car... or a toy and write the info on the bottom of the toy.....

Baby showers... fold up fabric into the shape of a diaper with the info written inside... tell them to bring their invite to the party..... randomly, before you hand them out.... squeeze a little bit of brown mustard in the "diaper" and the one with the dirty diaper wins a door prize or something.

see.... it all depends on the occasion
Reply:Good old fashioned U.S. Mail!!
Reply:write an invitation put it in a sealed plastic ziplock baggie rolled up tight put a rubber band around it,then put it in a water balloon,fill with water,and blast their houses,face,car etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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